Attention: Filmmakers, Music Supervisors, Producers and Recording Artists:

Shop where you will find a diverse catalog of Joel's songs available for licensing to your next creative project. There is no better music than music made by a band in a room capturing the vibe, professionally recorded. That's what you'll find in this list of new songs.

copyright/published Justone Music BMI

Click on "Remakes" to check out Joel Justin and his band The Mad Ants, reversioning of 10 Top-40 classic rock songs on their newly released vinyl LP; Mad Ants “On The Covers”. It's an adventurous, exciting, and hard-rocking tribute to this music we know and love.

Brand new vinyl release

produced by Joel Justin


Attention: Filmmakers, Music Supervisors, Producers and Recording Artists:

Shop where you will find an extensive and diverse catalog of Joel's songs available for licensing to your next creative project. There is no better music than music made by a band in a room, recording and capturing the vibe. That's what you'll find in all these songs.

copyright/published Justone Music BMI

Click on "Remakes" to check out Joel Justin and his band The Mad Ants, reversioning of 10 Top-40 classic rock songs on their newly released vinyl LP; Mad Ants “On The Covers”. It's an adventurous, exciting, and hard-rocking tribute to this music we know and love.


Another Chase (uptempo version)

Another Chase (nice country version)

Another Chase (acoustic pop version)

Another Chase (slow dance version)

Another Chase (modern country folk version)

Another Chase (smooth groove version)

The Liberty Station (country version)

So Satisfied (line dance version)

Crash (guitar rock version)

Charlie (diva sexy groove version)

Crash (pumping country version)

Crash (swing & twang version)

Charlie (do the slide version)

Charlie (female hip hop version)

Charlie (let’s dance version)

Charlie (cool ocean breeze version)

Charlie (pump dance grind version)

Crash (country hoedown version)

Crash (colorado folk version)

Crash (feel good pop version)

Crash (girl power pop version)

Crash (hip hop version)

Crash (pop country version)

Crash (southern soft rock version)